Monday, July 25, 2011

Goals 15/40

My goals for this week.

- wake up by 5:30am.

- drink water / reduce coke intake to zero. 

- start organizing and taking things out of babies room.

- water my plants consistently, they hate me :[

I promise to...

I had a lovely weekend. I didn't take one picture :( I will start to take pictures, I just try to leave my phone in my car/purse because I've been trying to be really good about not being on it all the time and really enjoying who/where I am. There has to be a happy medium though! I'll work on this, promise! Since I didn't take pictures all of these at via google :)

- Slept 12 Hours!!!

- Went crib shopping [almost stabbed a biatch at Babies R Us] =] It isn't our yet :/ but if BRU knows what's good for them, they'll get it in stock. ASAP!
psst i did take ONE picture :)
- Went to extraordinary desserts. If it wasn't for being pregnant I really wouldn't have cared for this place. However, it was EXCELLENT!
 - Went on a double date to sushi & a movie. I was so happy I actually could eat sushi this time around!  We saw Friends With Benefits. It was hilarious H I L A R I O U S I will recommend it to anyone over 17 and will be purchasing it the day it comes out. I might even pay another $20something to see it in theaters again. That good.

side note - I want to know how to do my eye makeup like how she has it!
- Ate a crepe. also the first meal that i've eaten fully. It was good, not extraodfinary but good.  I mostly inhaled it because I was starving.

- Found Treasures at the Swap Meet.  By treasures i mean some succulents and books for baby A [I will take pictures of these tonight!] I've been addicted to collecting children s books.  Something I really want to do and really hope I'll be able to do is read to Abby.  I really can't wait until she is here so I can hold her and read to her.  I want plenty of books to choose from :)

- Went to Lowes, picked out potental paint colors. Mike got a grill [he better make me some mean bbq everynight!], and I got stuff to plant my succulents.

- Went to Outback!! yesssssssssss I've been wanting to go to OutBack for a while but Sunday I really really really wanted a good steak dinner since the minute I woke up.  I love Mike for taking me<3

That's IT! 

15 weeks today =]

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Suck It

I've never been one for "signs" but since I've been pregnant I've been very big on signs. Not that I've been thinking about changing baby girls name, but the more I see it the more I love it. And when I do random searches on Google for girl nursery and I see Abigail just there randomly. I love it and know that I don't want to call my daughter anything else =]

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


love target

I learned early on in my pregnancy that everyone was going to have their opinions and will voice them.  However, when it came to naming our daughter I thought people would just accept it.  Say "love it", "that's beautiful" regardless if you reallllly love it or not.  It's the nice thing to say right? NOPE! When we started telling everyone what her name WILL be [not that we are thinking about naming her this or that], we got "really, you sure" , "what about this name?!?!", "i really think that you should think about it" , "will that wont be the name you'll give her, you'll change it five times from now", "wow that's really unique" and so forth.  Being pregnant has made me understand what assholes people can be.

1. her name is Abigail Temple Shaw - unique really?!?! I'm not naming her sunshine.
2. this is her name, regardless if YOU like it or not, because guess what...mike and I love it and in all honesty we are the only ones that matter in this equation.
3. signed on to my Etsy account this morning and this was right on the home screen
see right box.
Seeing this, this morning really helped. It's a sign she'll love her name and everyone else can kiss my ass :)

Hilarious Onesie

i'm cute, my mom's cute, my dad is LUCKY!

I sharted

I'll be getting a matching one for my soon to be son-in-law =]

You're probably shaking your head and saying so inappropriate Becca. 
To which I'll say - YOU JUST DON'T KNOW US =]

I'll be purchasing all of these from here. Also, I added them to my favorites and she then gave me a 15% off code. It was meant to be :) 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hardly Contain Myself

I hear you asking, what the hell cupcakes and hello kitty? well it's because...

we're having a GIRL!!

I [we] are soooo excited! I can hardly contain myself.  I'm telling everyone :) 

This will help me blog.  Blogging isn't fun when all I can talk about is being sick and lazy. Now its ON! We've got a room to decorate and a baby shower coming! I just can't wait! 

She's just hanging out. Hands behind her head and legs crossed. I love her so much already!
Abigail [Abby] Temple Shaw =]
I cannot wait to meet you! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Good Mood Friday

Why in such a good mood becca you ask!?!?

Well not only is it FRIDAY followed up with a 3 day weekend......

I WON!!!! [i've never won anything!!!]

I won this clutch [I don't know if i'll get this one but they're all terrific] from this wonderful blog E TELL TALES - E is hilarious and just had a beautiful baby boy! She had a giveaway from the lovely Moxie Mandie. I sugguest you go look at her stuff NOW! In a couple months i'm going to be purchasing a burp cloth and a pillow for the babies room! 

Thank you so much E!